Filmmaker Christopher Fire has scheduled an open casting call for his upcoming horror-comedy film “Klausferatu,” seeking actors and extras. All ages and talents are being sought to play supporting cast, Christmas carolers and extras. Those cast must be available to work throughout the summer, fall and winter in the greater Buffalo, NY area. The film is written by Paul McGinnis and Bob Coldicott, and produced by Bob Coldicott. “Klausferatu” focuses on the story of Santa/Klaus as he makes rounds and runs into quite a predicament.
“Klausferatu” Open Casting Call Details
All talent must have legal eligibility to work in the entertainment industry in New York and in the United States. That information can be found here. Auditions will be videotaped.
Dolce-Valvo Art Center
Room F129
Niagara County Community College
3111 Saunders Settlement Road
Sanborn, NY 14132
Saturday May 5, 2018
12:00pm – 3:00pm
Headshots will be taken for free by CK Photographic Systems at the auditions, however you are welcome to bring your own headshots and resumes if available.
Official “Klausferatu” Facebook Page –
Official CK Photographic Systems Facebook Page –
This open casting call is taking place during the Niagara County Community College Film Festival, which is free and open to the public, and runs from 11:00am to 4:30pm on May 5.